Still excited by the meteorological event of last week (the northern lights), we turned our eyes to the sky once again to see a different type of event – a rare comet with a large tail that came within 44 million miles of Earth – Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. It was present in the westernContinue reading
We have been talking about seeing the aurora borealis off and on for some time. There was a time last winter when I proposed that we book tickets to the Aurora Capital of North America – Yellowknife – because flights from Philadelphia with multiple stops were actually pretty reasonable for a remote Canadian town northContinue reading
We have always thought about Parkcation as a site about our adventures in the national parks and other sites in the national park system plus related organizations (national forests, national wildlife refuges). But from time to time we like to visit other “parks” with our family – zoos, amusement parks and urban/suburban parks for example.Continue reading
On the day after our July 4th celebration we drove up to Grand Mesa with the family to do some trout fishing. Jayne and her brother grew up fishing with their dad on the lakes of the Mesa. Grand Mesa is a 500 square mile flat-top mountain at more than 10,000 feet in elevation withContinue reading
Captain Anthony Awgul took my dad and I out on Lake Nockamixon to go punching for bass – one of the many techniques that he uses to catch fish on this popular Philadelphia lake that is notorious for holding, and being difficult to catch, big bass. We grabbed breakfast at the Roy Ann Diner inContinue reading
Photographing Bald Eagles at Conowingo Dam in April 2024
We are pretty fortunate to live a little over an hour from one of the best places to photograph bald eagles east of the Mississippi River. The Conowingo Dam is one of the largest non-federal hydroelectric dams in the United States, spanning the Susquehanna River in Maryland before it flows into Chesapeake Bay. It isContinue reading
Backyard Birding During Social Distancing in April
We had tentative plans to go to Colorado and Utah this month to visit Arches National Park but that trip was put on hold due to coronavirus concerns. Arches was closed to the public due to the public health crisis in late March. It has been a quiet month here in Pennsylvania and it willContinue reading
It was a beautiful March day in Philadelphia and John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge was full of people enjoying the weather on the trails. We made our way there on Sunday afternoon and picked up a few more waterfowl that we had been missing from our life list. One of those birds was the bufflehead.Continue reading
March Birding at Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Drive
It was a sunny day on Saturday (though a bit windy) so we headed over to Wildlife Drive in Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey north of Atlantic City. It is about 90 minutes from the Philadelphia area. Edwin B Forsythe NWR protects about 47,000 acres along the Atlantic Flyway, including coastalContinue reading