Hogwallow Flats Overlook on Skyline Drive is found at Mile Marker 13.7. It is located in Shenandoah National Park at an elevation of 2665 feet between the northern entrance and Mathews Arm. Jenkins Gap Overlook is north of it and Browntown Valley Overlook is to the south. The Appalachian Trail crosses Skyline Drive just south of the overlook.

The overlook provides scenic views to the east of the Blue Ridge Mountains which features a region known as the Piedmont, which is characterized by a few low hills and then a broad plain. The hills near Shenandoah are known as the monadnocks that were mountains older than the Blue Ridge Mountains which eroded over time.

This overlook is found further east than most on Skyline Drive. Traveling south from Front Royal, the road turns east from Gooney Run Overlook to Compton Gap and Indian Run Overlook before beginning to meander to the southwest throught the national park.

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