This is a south facing overlook in Shenandoah National Park on Skyline Drive at Mile Marker 86.4. It allows you to see both to the east and to the south as well as the color of the sky to the west. It is located between Blackrock Summit Parking and Blackrock Gap.

We arrived at the Trayfoot Mountain Overlook in November 2017 as darkness approached on Saturday night and we enjoyed being able to see both the moon rise in the east and the colorful sunset to the west from this overlook. If you are looking for a 180+ degree panoramic photo, this is one of the places in the national park to attempt it.

Trayfoot Mountain is actually located northwest of the overlook. It has an elevation of 3,374 feet. It can be reached by the Trayfoot Mountain Trail with parking at Blackrock Gap on Skyline Road or at the parking area west of the park.

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