There are five airports within a five hour drive of Carlsbad Caverns National Park. If you are looking for flights into the area, consider El Paso, Midland, Lubbock or Albuquerque in addition to the Carlsbad airport.

What is the closest airport to Carlsbad Caverns?

The closest airport is in Carlsbad. Cavern City Air Terminal is five miles southwest of Carlsbad’s central business district and about 20 miles away from the cave – a short 25 minute drive to the Visitor Center. However, it is only served by one airline. Mesa Airlines offers passenger service there from the Albuquerque airport. Boutique Air looks like it is an option as well.

The nearest major airport to the park is in El Paso, 147 miles from the Carlsbad Caverns Visitor Center. American, United, Delta and Southwest all fly into El Paso, Texas.

Other airport options include:

Midland, TX – 170 miles, 3 hours
Airlines: American, United, Southwest
The Midland airport is just over 4 hours from Big Bend National Park as well.

Lubbock, TX – 220 miles, 3.5 hour drive
Airlines; American, Southwest, United

Albuquerque, NM – 300 miles, 5 hour drive.
Airlines: Frontier, American, Delta, jetBlue, Southwest, United
This could make a good jumping off point for a 20 hour loop that includes Petrified Forest National Park, Saguaro National Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, and Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

Roundtrip Flights to El Paso

[tp_in_our_city_fly_shortcodes destination=ELP title=”” limit=15 paginate=false stops=0 one_way=false off_title=true subid=”” currency=”USD”]

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